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190 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Delivery room resuscitation assists preterm infants, especially extremely preterm infants (EPI) and extremely low birth weight infants (ELBWI), in breathing support, while it potentially exerts a negative impact on the lungs and outcomes of preterm infants. This study aimed to assess delivery room resuscitation and discharge outcomes of EPI and ELBWI in China.Methods:The clinical data of EPI (gestational age [GA] <28 weeks) and ELBWI (birth weight [BW] <1000 g), admitted within 72 h of birth in 33 neonatal intensive care units from five provinces and cities in North China between 2017 and 2018, were analyzed. The primary outcomes were delivery room resuscitation and risk factors for delivery room intubation (DRI). The secondary outcomes were survival rates, incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and risk factors for BPD.Results:A cohort of 952 preterm infants were enrolled. The incidence of DRI, chest compressions, and administration of epinephrine was 55.9% (532/952), 12.5% (119/952), and 7.0% (67/952), respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that the risk factors for DRI were GA <28 weeks (odds ratio [OR], 3.147; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.082-4.755), BW <1000 g (OR, 2.240; 95% CI, 1.606-3.125), and antepartum infection (OR, 1.429; 95% CI, 1.044-1.956). The survival rate was 65.9% (627/952) and was dependent on GA. The rate of BPD was 29.3% (181/627). Multivariate analysis showed that the risk factors for BPD were male (OR, 1.603; 95% CI, 1.061-2.424), DRI (OR, 2.094; 95% CI, 1.328-3.303), respiratory distress syndrome exposed to ≥2 doses of pulmonary surfactants (PS; OR, 2.700; 95% CI, 1.679-4.343), and mechanical ventilation ≥7 days (OR, 4.358; 95% CI, 2.777-6.837). However, a larger BW (OR, 0.998; 95% CI, 0.996-0.999), antenatal steroid (OR, 0.577; 95% CI, 0.379-0.880), and PS use in the delivery room (OR, 0.273; 95% CI, 0.160-0.467) were preventive factors for BPD (all P < 0.05).Conclusion:Improving delivery room resuscitation and management of respiratory complications are imperative during early management of the health of EPI and ELBWI.

  • 标签: Extremely preterm Extremely low birth weight infants Delivery room resuscitation Survival rate BPD Risk factors
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  • 简介:农民伊凡家的房子很小,他的妻子总是抱怨没有地方放锅具,五个孩子也经常为争地盘而打架,可怜的伊凡更是在累了天后,连一个休息的地方都没有,伊凡很苦恼,后来去向村子里的一位智者征求意见,那位智者如何能将他们的房子变大呢?

  • 标签: 高中 英语教学 教材 考试 翻译方法
  • 简介:玩游戏之前,先聆听光碟,留意以下英文生词的读音。观察以下图片及相关的英文生词,然后把它们填在适当的格子里。蓝色格子里的字母将组成一个新的生词,请把这生词填在最下面的格子里。

  • 标签: 小学 英语教学 教学方法 阅读
  • 简介:玩游戏之前,先聆听光碟,留意图画及相关英文生词的读音。在字阵中找出并删去下列生词,然后把余下的字母填写在横线上。

  • 标签: 小学 英语 课外阅读 阅读材料
  • 简介:日式餐厅给人的印象一般是穿着和服的服务员、吃着生鱼片、喝着小烧酒……而现代日本流行的餐厅被叫做“创作料理”,其实就是日餐西化.西餐日化。我把这些新流行的餐厅叫做“DesignRestaurant”(简称“DR”)。

  • 标签: 日式餐厅 和服 服务员 创作料理
  • 简介:小朋友们,在快乐聊天室里,你有任何英语学习上的疑问,不论是学习方法,还是学习难点,通通可以来信告诉我们,我们会邀请各方专家、老师为你提供建议和解答哦。来信请寄:上海市阜新路20弄1号27楼C室,《英语角·英文小读者》编辑部秋天姐姐收,邮编:200092。秋天姐姐的E-mail:qiutianjiejie@126。com。

  • 标签: 英语教学 教学方法 阅读知识 课外阅读 英语翻译
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  • 简介:AbstractFluid resuscitation is an essential intervention in critically ill patients, and its ultimate goal is to restore tissue perfusion. Critical illnesses are often accompanied by glycocalyx degradation caused by inflammatory reactions, hypoperfusion, shock, and so forth, leading to disturbed microcirculatory perfusion and organ dysfunction. Therefore, maintaining or even restoring the glycocalyx integrity may be of high priority in the therapeutic strategy. Like drugs, however, different resuscitation fluids may have beneficial or harmful effects on the integrity of the glycocalyx. The purpose of this article is to review the effects of different resuscitation fluids on the glycocalyx. Many animal studies have shown that normal saline might be associated with glycocalyx degradation, but clinical studies have not confirmed this finding. Hydroxyethyl starch (HES), rather than other synthetic colloids, may restore the glycocalyx. However, the use of HES also leads to serious adverse events such as acute kidney injury and bleeding tendencies. Some studies have suggested that albumin may restore the glycocalyx, whereas others have suggested that balanced crystalloids might aggravate glycocalyx degradation. Notably, most studies did not correct the effects of the infusion rate or fluid volume; therefore, the results of using balanced crystalloids remain unclear. Moreover, mainly animal studies have suggested that plasma may protect and restore glycocalyx integrity, and this still requires confirmation by high-quality clinical studies.

  • 标签: Fluid resuscitation Resuscitation fluid Fluid therapy Endothelial glycocalyx Glycocalyx