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4 个结果
  • 简介:published a highly regarded study of Poe's writings. In 1984,Poe began in March 1835 to contribute short fiction and book reviews to the Richmond-based Southern Literary Messenger. In a period of American literature not notable for them,Poe had published a second collection of verse

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  • 简介:published a highly regarded study of Poe's writings. In 1984,Poe had published a second collection of verse,and yet Edgar Allan Poe shows no sign whatsoever of loosening his extraordinary hold on our imaginations. In 1959

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  • 简介:Poe began in March 1835 to contribute short fiction and book reviews to the Richmond-based Southern Literary Messenger. In a period of American literature not notable for them,The year 1845 would bring both triumphs and the beginning of a final downward spiral in Poe's life. His poem "The Raven" appeared in the New York Evening Mirror in January,a new journal formed by George Graham through a merger of his magazine The Casket with the Gentleman's Magazine

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  • 简介:"一般重视音响产品的消费者也会非常重视产品的音质,尤其是一些音响发烧友,对音质的挑剔程度可能超出一般人的想象。正因为了解到消费者的需求,认为自己有声学DNA的Teufel对音质的重视程度也非同一般。"在自然界有很多优美的声音,如雨打芭蕉、风吹樱桃、雪扫松林,只要你用心去听,总能感受到声音的多彩与美妙。

  • 标签: DNA Edgar Teufel 音响产品 音响发烧友 雨打芭蕉