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500 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:To determine the impact of an earthquake during COVID-19 lockdown on fracture admission at a tertiary trauma centre in Croatia.Methods:A case-control study was performed at the tertiary trauma centre registry. Two different periods were studied. The case group included a period during COVID-19 lockdown right after the earthquakes until the end of the confinement period in Croatia. And the control group corresponded to the equivalent period in 2019. We identified all consecutive patients who were admitted due to urgent care requirements for the musculoskeletal trauma. Patient's demographic data and admitting diagnoses were assessed. Data were analyzed by statistical procedures using the program MedCalc statistical software version 16.4.3.Results:We identified 178 emergency admissions due to musculoskeletal trauma. During the COVID-19 lockdown and post-earthquake period, there was a drastic reduction in total admissions (359 vs. 662; p < 0.0001) with an increased proportion of trauma admissions within the emergency admissions (34.9% vs. 26.5%; p = 0.02926, Z = -2.1825). Furthermore, in the case group there was a significant increase in hospital admissions due to ankle/foot trauma (11 vs. 2, p = 0.0126) and a trend towards a decrease in the admissions due to tibia fractures (5 vs. 12, p = 0.0896), however without statistical significance. Also, an increased proportion of women within the group of femoral fractures in both case group (81.6% vs. 52.6%, p = 0.00194, Z= 3.1033) and the control group (82.3% vs. 60.5%, p = 0.0232, Z= 2.2742) was observed. In both analyzed periods, the osteoporotic hip fracture was the most common independent admitting diagnosis.Conclusion:It is crucial to understand how natural disasters like earthquakes influence the pattern of trauma admissions during a coexisting pandemic. Accordingly, healthcare systems have to be prepared for an increased influx of certain pathology, like foot and ankle trauma.

  • 标签: Coronavirus Pandemics Earthquakes Wounds and injuries
  • 简介:Китайцысмотрятв2000год1.例会2.代表大会3.去年,上一年4.(未)确定未来的目标5.在接合部,衔接点6.完结,终结7.界标,里程碑8.(完)予先拟定力求民族振兴的“中段目标”9.(完,未)起步,出发(天寿选注)10.(完)使(...

  • 标签: 按人口平均计算 增到四倍 国内生产总值 建筑设计师 民族振兴 基本原理
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:Alcohol has been associated with 10%—35% trauma admissions and 40% trauma-related deaths globally. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the United Kingdom entered a state of "lockdown" on March 23, 2020. Restrictions were most significantly eased on June 1, 2020, when shops and schools re-opened. The purpose of this study was to quantify the effect of lockdown on alcohol-related trauma admissions.Methods:All adult patients admitted as "trauma calls" to a London major trauma centre during April 2018 and April 2019 (pre-lockdown, n = 316), and 1st April—31st May 2020 (lockdown, n = 191) had electronic patient records analysed retrospectively. Patients’ blood alcohol level and records of intoxication were used to identify alcohol-related trauma. Trauma admissions from pre-lockdown and lockdown cohorts were compared using multiple regression analyses.Results:Alcohol-related trauma was present in a significantly higher proportion of adult trauma calls during lockdown (lockdown 60/191 (31.4%), vs. pre-lockdown 62/316 (19.6%); (odds ratio (OR): 0.83, 95% CI: 0.38—1.28, p < 0.001). Lockdown was also associated with increased weekend admissions of trauma (lockdown 125/191 weekend (65.5%) vs. pre-lockdown 179/316 (56.7%); OR: 0.40, 95% CI: 0.79 to -0.02, p = 0.041). No significant difference existed in the age, gender, or mechanism between pre-lockdown and lockdown cohorts (p > 0.05).Conclusions:The United Kingdom lockdown was independently associated with an increased proportion of alcohol-related trauma. Trauma admissions were increased during the weekend when staffing levels are reduced. With the possibility of further global "waves" of COVID-19, the long-term repercussions of dangerous alcohol-related behaviour to public health must be addressed.

  • 标签: Trauma Alcohol Lockdown COVID-19 Major trauma centre
  • 简介:众所周知,Word2000之所以能认得各种格式的文件,是因为它内置了许多文件格式转换器,而这些格式转换器又大都是以cnv作为文件后缀存放在c:\ProgramFiles\CommonFries\MicrosoftShared\Textconv目录下。Word2000不认得WPS2000与该目录下的WPS32.cnv这个老版文件转换器有很大关系。如果能找到较新的WPS文件格式转换器文件去代替它,就能解决这个问题。

  • 标签: WORD2000 WPS2000 文件格式转换器 中学 信息技术课 备课参考
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  • 简介:字幕:美国·旧金山1998年旧金山湾的麦迪逊大道沐浴在夏日温暖的阳光里。兴建于十八世纪的凯瑟琳饭店就坐落在这条繁华的大街上。从这座透着几分雍容与华贵的西班牙式建筑物远远望去,金门大桥拱形的跨海桥体在背景中隐约可见……

  • 标签: 中隐 凯瑟琳 背景 美国 西班牙 字幕
  • 简介:都说我们这代人是幸运的,因为我们都可以成为世纪之交的见证人。在如此精彩、令人兴奋的时刻,总该保留一份美好,珍藏一串记忆吧。对古典音乐爱好者来说,Teldec公司出版的《BACH2000》将成为您收藏唱片时最具价值的音响资料。

  • 标签: 哈农 音乐录制 作品集 音响资料 音乐家 古典音乐
  • 简介:公元2000年12月24日至27日,由大连金生实业有限公司、《收获》文学杂志社、《作家》杂志社、《上海文学》杂志社、《当代作家评论》杂志社、作家出版社、《山花》月刊社、《文学报》社、《大连日报》周刊部等9家单位联合举办的“大连·2000年中国当代诗歌研讨会”在大连举行。70多位来自海内外的诗人和批评家在理解、友善的气氛中进行了近年来少有的自由的对话、交流。

  • 标签: 2000年 诗歌 中国 文学
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  • 简介:春光明媚,万象更新。在这千年更迭、世纪交替之际,我们有着无限的感慨和憧憬。“一个人的一生,包含无数的新纪元,才算能完成他的崇高的生活。人类全体的历史,联结无数的新纪元,才算能贯达这人类伟大的使命。”我们谨以李大钊先生在20世纪初的这段话献给与我们一起迎接新世纪的各位读者和作者。那么,我们将欲何思,将欲何为?21世纪是人类社会大发展的重要时期,也是中华民族实现伟大复兴的重要时期,时代将赋予统一战线更加丰富、更加深刻的内涵,也将对统一战线提出许多新的理论研究课题和更高的要求。在新的形势下,统一战线会和我们党的其他工作一样,以崭新的

  • 标签: 统一战线 2000年 统战理论研究 社会主义学院 李大钊 新纪元
  • 简介:<正>曾经承载了我们太多期盼的2000年就这样过了,回眸中国教育,我们是否还会将期盼延续?2000年对于中国教育有一个意义非凡的数字:4%。根据《中国教育改革和发展纲要》的规定,到2000年,国家公共教育经费占国民生产总值的比重应达到4%。这一指标虽然只相当于10年前发展中国家的平均水平(4.1%),但它的实现看来只能寄希望于奇迹的出现了。自90年代以来,这个衡量一个国家教育经费基

  • 标签: 中国教育改革 教育经费 发展纲要 国民生产总值 发展中国家 统计结果
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The COVID-19 novel coronavirus is contagious, and the mortality is higher in the elderly population. Lockdown in different parts of the world has been imposed since January 2020. Chronic subdural haematoma (cSDH) has a unique natural history in which symptoms can be non-specific, and the onset is insidious. This study aims to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the presentation of cSDH.Methods:Consecutive adult cSDH patients admitted from 1 March 2020 to 30 April 2020 were reviewed. Exclusion criteria including those who had no definite history of head injury or the diagnosis of cSDH were made from a scheduled follow-up scan. Corresponding data during the same period in 2019 were reviewed for comparison. The primary outcome was the interval between the initial head injury and the final radiological diagnosis of cSDH. Secondary outcomes include Markwalder chronic subdural haematoma grade upon admission, length of stay in the acute hospital, and the modified Rankin scale (mRS) upon discharge.Results:For the primary outcome, the average interval between head injury and the diagnosis of cSDH was significantly longer at 56.6 days (49 to 74 days, SD 9.83 days) during the period from March to April 2020, versus 29.4 days (17 to 42 days, SD 8.59 days) in 2019 for the corresponding period (p = 0.00703). There was no significant difference in the functional outcome upon discharge.Conclusions:cSDH patients can present late during the COVID-19 lockdown period. The functional outcome was comparable when operations for drainage were timely performed.

  • 标签: Chronic subdural haematoma Novel coronavirus COVID-19 Head injury