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9 个结果
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  • 简介:摘要:office办公软件提供的word、excel、ppt等板块极大地方便了我们的日常工作。Excel表格计算汇总功能强大,适合处理计算量较大并且较多的数据;word文本编辑功能强大,可以做任意非规则表格的文本处理。如何快速批量地将excel中的数据提取到word中满足项目生产的需求,是我们亟需思考的问题。本文将通过一个VB程序将excel中的内容读写到word中,实现二者之间的数据交换。

  • 标签: excel word VB程序 数据交换
  • 简介:摘要:近年来,信息技术的飞速发展为我们的生活带来了无限的便利,计算机被广泛地运用在各个行业中,并不断发展成为人们学习和工作的重要辅助工具。Word办公软件作为计算机办公软件中最重要的一个部分,也为人们在学习和办公的过程中带来了极大的便利。基于此,中职生在学习过程中掌握Word办公软件是十分有必要的。本文对Word办公软件的使用和实践进行了探索。

  • 标签: 中职 计算机 Word办公软件 使用方法 操作分析
  • 简介:摘要:在互联网技术快速发展的背景下,对传统的教学产生了巨大的影响。微课视频具有短小精悍、适应性强等优势,在中职学校技能训练中被教师所认可与接受。通过微课视频教学模式可以为学生构建信息化技术教学平台,结合先进教学理念打破时间空间的局限,促进教师和学生之间能够最大化利用教学资源,实现师生互动,提升学生的学习能力。通过本文对中职学校计算机WORD2010教学训练能够构建全新的课堂教学模式,提升学生的学习兴趣,将微课视频教学优势全面发挥。

  • 标签: 微课 WORD2010 技能训练 应用
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:The aim of this study is to develop and evaluate a set of psychometrically equivalent disyllabic wordlist (SC-10) in Singapore Mandarin for clinical use.Study design:A preliminary set of 1000 words were obtained from a dictionary of frequently used words by Singapore students. Ten native judges rate the familiarity level of each word. This is followed by a face-to-face public survey to rank the shortlisted word set from most to least familiar. The final 108 disyllabic words were recorded by a native female talker. 20 normal hearing subjects were used to obtain the percentage of correct word recognition at 24 intensity levels (-10 dB HL to 26 dB HL in 2 dB increment). Psychometric function slopes were calculated for each word. 100 words were eventually chosen and assigned into ten 10-word lists based on a psychometric balancing protocol. Minor digital adjustments were made to the intensity of each wordlist to improve their auditory homogeneity.The developed SC-10 wordlists were validated by a separate group of 25 normal hearing subjects. Test-retest reliability was carried out on 20 out of 25 participants at the selected intensity levels (SRT-5, SRT, SRT+5).Results:The calculated regression slopes in the psychometric functions for the ten lists are between 8.0 and 9.8%/dB. Single factor ANOVA analysis showed no significant difference in both the mean intensity required to obtain 50% recognition score (f = 0.109, df = 9, p = 0.999) and the slopes of the psychometric functions (f = 0.078, df = 9, p = 0.999) between the ten word lists. List validation on 25 normal hearing participants (PTA = 11.0 dB HL, SD = 4.3) showed a mean speech recognition threshold (SRT) of 9.3 dB HL (SD = 3.5)and regression slope of 8.395%/dB. Quadratic regression analysis showed a positive correlation (r2 = 0.923) between presentation level and word recognition score (WRS). The difference between PTA and SRT of each subject all fall within the clinically acceptable difference of 10 dB HL. Test-retest reliability, carried out on 20 subjects at three levels (SRT-5, SRT, and SRT+5 dB), showed no significance difference between word recognition score when the same participant is tested again at the same intensity level using a different wordlist.Conclusion:All in all, it shows that the SC-10 speech materials are valid for clinical use for Mandarin speech audiometry in Singapore.

  • 标签: Speech audiometry Word recognition score Disyllabic word list Mandarin Chinese Singapore SC-10
  • 简介:摘要∶随着翻转课堂的教学模式在当下我国高等教育中的发展和应用愈加广泛,翻转的课堂被认为是一种新兴的现代化教学模式,将这种现代化的教学模式充分运用到我国的课堂教育中,不仅可以满足现代化的教学和体制变化的要求,还可以提高我国计算机课程的教学质量。本篇文章主要是根据对于翻转课堂的教学设计问题进行了深入的研究,以课堂教学教育中《计算机应用基础》一书中的 word 部分作为实际案例对其进行了分析和探讨,主要的研究内容就是为了使我们更好地理解和应用于翻转课堂,并且通过改善计算机课堂教学的质量,促进数字化教育的发展和进步。

  • 标签: 翻转课堂 教学设计 计算机应用
  • 简介:【摘要】本文应用单因子评价法和指数法对异龙湖进行水质评价和营养化状态评价,在比较分析水质类别和营养化程度变化的基础上应用季节性肯达尔Kendall法进一步分析主要水质项目CODMn、NH3-N、TP和TN各年度均值随时间的浓度变化趋势。结果表明:2003-2018年异龙湖水质类别在Ⅳ~劣Ⅴ类之间,CODMn和TN均超Ⅲ类水标准,受CODMn和TN的影响最严重,2013年水质污染物浓度达到最高;营养化状态均为轻度富营养-中度富营养,最高值出现在2013年;2003—2018年异龙湖坝心和湖心的CODMn和TP均呈高度显著上升趋势;湖心的NH3-N呈显著上升趋势;湖心TN呈无明显升降趋势,坝心NH3-N和TN呈无明显升降趋势。并对其水质状况及趋势变化情况的成因进行了初步的分析。

  • 标签: 异龙湖 水质评价 营养化 季节性肯达尔 趋势分析
  • 简介:摘要:班级作为高校思想政治教育的基本平台,是构建良好学风,班风,校风的良好阵地,做好班级建设十分重要。高校思想政治辅导员作为班级建设的引领者和组织者,需要把握基本规律,主要从学风,班风,校风等方面加强班级建设。本文以食科2003班为例讲了辅导员在班级建设中的引领和指导。

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