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39 个结果
  • 简介:Atherosclerosisisadiseaseofthearterialwallthatunderliesrmnyoftheverycommoncausesofcardiovascularmortality,includingmyocardialinfarction(MI),peripheralvasculardiseaseandcerebrovasculardisease.Earlypathologicaldescriptionsviewedatherosclerosisasanend-stagedegenerativediseactthatinevitablyresultedinageneralizednarrowingofthearteriallumen.

  • 标签: 动脉粥样硬化 病理学 内皮细胞层 一氧化氮 内皮功能不全 ENOS激活
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  • 简介:Chlamydia,ahumanpathogenthatmediateschronic,persistentandrepeatedinfectionprogress,iscapableofinflictingpermanentscarformation.Atypicalreticularbodyisfoundinpersistentinfections.ChlamydialHsp60,interferon(IFN)-gammaandothercytokinesfunctioninthecourseofrepeatedinfection.Immunopathologicalfactorsmediatechronicinfection.

  • 标签: 衣原体感染 发病机制 干扰素 慢性传染病
  • 简介:AbstractSystemic sclerosis (SSc) is characterized by immune dysfunction, vasculopathy, chronic fibrosis of skin and internal organs with complex etiology. With the rapid development and the application in biomedicine of epigenetics, accumulating evidence has shown that epigenetics plays an important role in the pathogenesis of SSc. Environmental factors via epigenetics are needed to trigger and maintain for the disease in the subjects with genetic predisposition to SSc. The role of epigenetics in the pathogenesis of SSc includes hypermethylation of the promoter region of nitric oxide synthase and bone morphogenetic protein receptors II, up-regulation of histone deacetylases 4 and 5 expression, and down-regulation of miR-193b and miR-152 in endothelial cells inducing vascular dysfunction; DNA hypermethylation and hypoacetylation of histone H3 and H4 in Friend leukemia virus integration 1 and Kruppel-like factor 5 genes, and the abnormal expression of miR-29, miR-129-5p and miR-135b in fibroblasts causing excessive fibrosis; DNA hypomethylation in the promoter regions of CD11a and CD70 genes in CD4+T cells resulting in immune dysfunction. Studies on the role of epigenetics in SSc are of great significance for better understanding the pathogenic machanism of SSc, which is helpful to find new molecular targets for treating SSc, and consequently, improve the prognosis of SSc.

  • 标签: DNA methylation epigenetics fibrosis histone acetylation immune dysfunction micro RNA systemic sclerosis vasculopathy
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  • 简介:ComparisonsintheratesofstomachandcoloncancerbetweencountriesoftheEastandthoseoftheWestsuggestthatdietaryfactorsplayasignificantroleincarcinogenesisofthegastrointestinaltract.However,ithasbeendifficulttoclarifywhichofthemanyfactorsthatinfluencecarcinogenesisareinfactalteredbydiet.Geneticdeterminants,dietaryhabits,

  • 标签: 饮食因素 发病机理 胃肠疾病 结肠癌 肿瘤 致癌作用
  • 简介:AbstractOver the past few decades, understanding of the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has improved substantially. Insights into the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in RA have enabled the discovery of new therapeutic targets and led to the development of biologics and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. In parallel with the improvement in therapies, the evolution of strategies in the management of RA has also contributed considerably to better outcomes in patients. Major changes include the development of disease activity measures, formulation of the treat-to-target principles as well as increased attention to comorbidities. The presence of comorbidities such as cardiovascular diseases may increase the mortality of RA patients, affect their treatment strategies and result in worse outcomes. Therefore, prevention and management of certain high-risk comorbidities have become increasingly important in the long-term treatment of RA. In this study, we summarized new insights into the pathogenesis and management of rheumatoid arthritis and associated comorbidities, with a special focus on the 2021 update of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) guideline for RA and key reports presented at the 2021 ACR convergence.

  • 标签: comorbidity drug safety JAK inhibitor rheumatoid arthritis single-cell sequencing
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  • 简介:High-gradegliomasareaggressiveanduniformlyfataltumors,composedofaheterogeneouspopulationofcellsthatincludemanywithstem-cell-likeproperties.Theacquisitionofstem-liketraitsmightcontributetogliomainitiation,growth,andrecurrence.HereweinvestigatedtheroleofthetranscriptionfactormyeloidElf-1likefactor(MEF,alsoknownasELF4)ingliomas.WefoundthatMEFishighlyexpressedinbothhumanandmouseglioblastomasanditsabsenceimpairsgliomagenesisinaPDGF-drivengliomamousemodel.WeshowthatmodulationofMEFlevelsinbothmouseneuralstemcellsandhumanglioblastomacellshasasignificantimpactonneurosphereformation.Moreover,weidentifySox2asadirectdownstreamtargetofMEF.Takentogether,ourstudiesimplicateMEFasapreviouslyunrecognizedgatekeepergeneingliomagenesisthatpromotesstemcellcharacteristicsthroughSox2activation.

  • 标签: 脑胶质瘤 MEF 发病机制 干性 转录因子 小鼠模型
  • 简介:背景:测试的HIV-1genotypic和phenotypic危险性(通用终端)优化antiretroviral选择,但是它幸存上的效果是未知的。客观:评估在通用终端和幸存之间的协会。设计:队学习。设定:10个美国HIV诊所。病人:为通过2005从1999看见的通用终端(血浆HIVRNA水平>1000copies/mL)合格的2699个感染HIV的病人。大小:人口统计的特征,临床的因素,通用终端使用,所有原因死亡,和为有幸存的通用终端的协会的粗略、调整的危险比率(HR)。结果:病人们被跟随为一3.3年中部;(34%)915有通用终端。把通用终端有的病人比那些降低死亡率(2.0对2.7死亡每100人年)。在标准考克斯模型,通用终端与改进幸存被联系(调整HR,0.69[95%CI,0.51~0.94];P=0.017)在为临床的后续的人口统计的特征,CD4+房间计数,HIVRNA水平,和紧张控制以后。在亚群分析,通用终端与改进幸存被联系因为2107高度活跃的antiretroviral治疗(HAART)经历了病人(2.2对3.2死亡每为有没有通用终端的通用终端对那些的病人的100人年;调整HR,0.60[CI,0.43~0.82];P=0.002)并且为921个三倍的antiretroviral班富有经验病人(2.1对3.1死亡每100人年;调整HR,0.61[CI0.40到0.93];P=0.022)。边缘的结构的模型支持了在通用终端之间的协会并且在全面的队改进了幸存(调整HR,0.54;P=0.001)并且在HAART富有经验的组(调整HR,0.56;P=0.003)。限制:通用终端的使用没被使随机化。剩余惊讶可以存在。结论:通用终端的使用独立地在HAART富有经验的病人之中与改进幸存被联系。

  • 标签: 胃泌素瘤 胃癌肿瘤 治疗方法 发病机理 幽门螺杆菌感染 胃神经内分泌肿瘤
  • 简介:干癣是hyperproliferativekeratinocytes和T房间,树枝状的房间,巨噬细胞和neutrophils的渗入描绘的最普通的调停免疫者的长期的、煽动性的皮肤病之一。尽管干癣的致病充分没被理解,有宽大的证据,建议在皮肤的有免疫力的房间的dysregulation,特别地T房间,在干癣开发起一个关键作用。在这评论,我们主要集中于病原的T房间并且讨论这些T房间怎么被激活并且在疾病致病包含了。最新识别的‘;professional’;IL-17-producing真皮的γ;δ;在干癣的T房间和他们的潜在的角色将也被包括。最后,我们将简短为干癣处理在T房间和它的相关指向cytokine的治疗上总结最近的进步。

  • 标签: 发病机制 T细胞 银屑病 皮肤疾病 角质形成细胞 免疫细胞
  • 简介:AbstractPlacentation and tumorigenesis have many common features. Human placentation builds a maternal-fetal connection, circumvents maternal immune rejection of the fetus, and utilizes mechanisms that support tumorigenesis, such as proliferation, invasion, angiogenesis, and immune tolerance. Trophoblasts of the human placenta mimic the behavior of malignant cells, proliferating and invading the uterine decidua until reaching the myometrium and remodeling the spiral arteries that establish a new vascular system and escape the maternal immune response. These processes are under precise temporal and spatial regulation, and their dysregulation is associated with different pregnancy syndromes, including preeclampsia (PE), a pregnancy syndrome that is the leading cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. At present, the precise mechanisms underlying the development of PE remain unclear. Here, we summarize and dissect the features between physiological placentation and pathological tumorigenesis to explore the pathogenesis of PE - which we believe to be the result of insufficient placentation, compared to the overaggression of tumorigenesis - to provide novel strategies to prevent and treat PE.

  • 标签: Pathogenesis Placentation Preeclampsia Tumorigenesis
  • 简介:AbstractType 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease that resulted from the severe destruction of the insulin-producing β cells in the pancreases of individuals with a genetic predisposition. Genome-wide studies have identified HLA and other risk genes associated with T1D susceptibility in humans. However, evidence obtained from the incomplete concordance of diabetes incidence among monozygotic twins suggests that environmental factors also play critical roles in T1D pathogenesis. Epigenetics is a rapidly growing field that serves as a bridge to link T1D risk genes and environmental exposures, thereby modulating the expression of critical genes relevant to T1D development beyond the changes of DNA sequences. Indeed, there is compelling evidence that epigenetic changes induced by environmental insults are implicated in T1D pathogenesis. Herein, we sought to summarize the recent progress in terms of epigenetic mechanisms in T1D initiation and progression, and discuss their potential as biomarkers and therapeutic targets in the T1D setting.

  • 标签: Epigenetics Type 1 diabetes DNA methylation Histone modifications ncRNAs
  • 简介:AbstractEtiology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), a complicated three-dimensional spinal deformity with early-onset, receives continuous attention but remains unclear. To gain an insight into AIS pathogenesis, this review searched PubMed database up to June 2019, using key words or medical subject headings terms including "adolescent idiopathic scoliosis," "scoliosis," "pathogenesis," "etiology," "genetics," "mesenchymal stem cells," and their combinations, summarized existing literatures and categorized the theories or hypothesis into nine aspects. These aspects include bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell studies, genetic studies, tissue analysis, spine biomechanics measurements, neurologic analysis, hormone studies, biochemical analysis, environmental factor analysis, and lifestyle explorations. These categories could be a guidance for further etiology or treatment researches to gain inspiration.

  • 标签: Scoliosis Pathogenesis Etiology Mesenchymal stem cells
  • 简介:InthedevelopedWesternpartoftheworld,theincidenceofGCAhasmarkedlydecreasedoverthepastdecades.ThisdecreaseoftheGCAincidenceseemstobeageneralandglobalevent,suggestingthatoneorsomegloballyandgenerallycommonfactorsplayacriticalroleinthepathogenesisofGCA,andthatthisfactororfactorshavedecreasedininfluenceworldwidelyduringthepastdecades.Theseetiopathogeneticfactorshardlyareexoticdifferencesinlocalhabitsofeatingordrinkingonly.SuchexoticandlocalfactorscannotexplainthestrikingconsistencythatisapparentintheglobalepidemiologyofGCA.RegardingtheH.pyloriinfectionasthekeyfactorinthepathogenesisofgastriccancer,theserequirementsofglobalityarefulfilled.

  • 标签: 性别 发病机理 胃癌 肿瘤 消化系统 GCA
  • 简介:AbstractMore evidences show that microRNAs play an important role in the pathogenesis of inflammation and autoimmune diseases including Lichen planus, and are an attractive therapeutic target. MicroRNA family plays an important role in the regulation of gene expression, which involves cell proliferation, apoptosis, growth, differentiation and metabolism, vascularization, immune response and other biological processes. The changes of expression profile and expression level are closely related to the occurrence and development of many diseases, such as tumor, inflammatory disease and autoimmune disease relevant. However, there are few reports on microRNA in the pathogenesis of LP. This review summarizes the research advance of microRNAs (microRNAs -137, microRNAs -125b, microRNAs -138, microRNAs-27b, microRNAs -203) and their downstream proteins in LP.

  • 标签: lichen planus pathogenesis microRNAs
  • 简介:AbstractPeyronie’s disease (PD) is a benign, progressive fibrotic disorder characterized by scar or plaques within the tunica albuginea (TA) of the penis. This study provides new insights into the pathogenesis of PD based on data from different studies regarding the roles of cytokines, cell signaling pathways, biochemical mechanisms, genetic factors responsible for fibrogenesis. A growing body of literature has shown that PD is a chronically impaired, localized, wound healing process within the TA and the Smith space. It is caused by the influence of different pathological stimuli, most often the effects of mechanical stress during sexual intercourse in genetically sensitive individuals with unusual anatomical TA features, imbalanced matrix metalloproteinase/tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (MMP/TIMP), and suppressed antioxidant systems during chronic inflammation. Other intracellular signal cascades are activated during fibrosis along with low expression levels of their negative regulators and transforming growth factor-β1 signaling. The development of multikinase agents with minimal side effects that can block several signal cell pathways would significantly improve fibrosis in PD tissues by acting on common downstream mediators.

  • 标签: Peyronie’s disease Cell signal pathway Penile curvature Myofibroblast Extracellular matrix
  • 简介:AbstractAntimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are small molecules produced by a myriad of cells and play important roles not only in protecting against infections and sustaining skin barrier homeostasis but also in contributing to immune dysregulation under pathological conditions. Recently, increasing evidence has indicated that AMPs, including cathelicidin (LL-37), human β-defensins, S100 proteins, lipocalin 2, and RNase 7, are highly expressed in psoriatic skin lesions. These peptides broadly regulate immunity by interacting with various immune cells and linking innate and adaptive immune responses during the progression of psoriasis. In this review, we summarize the recent findings regarding AMPs in the pathogenesis of psoriasis with a main focus on their immunomodulatory abilities.

  • 标签: Antimicrobial peptides Psoriasis Immune response Inflammation
  • 简介:INTRODUCTIONAmajorfunctionoftheintestinalepitheliumistocontroltheamountoffluidenteringintoandbeingabsorbedfromthelumen.Inhealthyconditions,netfluidmovementfollowsanabsorptivevector,althoughsignificantsecretionalsotakesplacetosubservedigestivefunction.Thus,the

  • 标签: gatrointestinal MOTILITY diarrhea/etiology CYSTIC fibrosis INTESTINAL